crumbs is a collaboration between Isolde and Roy at Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster (Aachen), Germany. For this collab we showed 23 sponge cakes on ceramic plates, the publication crumbs, and a curated suitcase filled with publications from & about Southeast Asia. The Curated Suitcase creates an itinerant space to attempt to understand the many ways we read, write and share. The crumbs publication is handmade and stitched together, and consists of my drawings of crumbs and a meandering text by Roy which brings together a pandan sponge cake recipe (in Indonesian) and personal reflections on food and memory.
Stacey Aleimo writes: ¨Perhaps the most palpable trans-corporeal substance is food, since eating transforms plants and animals in human flesh.¨
With this form of collaboration, we consciously aim to create a spongy ground for a porous, shared presence.
A booklet can be downloaded here as a PDF:
The recipe of the pandan sponge cake:
Photo 7,9,12,13: Javier Klaus Gastelum