

botram served as the closing of my solo exhibition Leaky Cases at the Bewaerschole in Burgh-Haamstede. botram is a collaboration between me and writer and curator Roy Voragen. Roy has lived and worked in Indonesia for 15 years and my maternal family is from Indonesia. botram was a picnic on the beach of Renesse where people exchanged stories; people took place on a hand-dyed, naturally colored (via the batik technique) rug and on this rug were handmade ceramic plates on which pandan sponge cakes were served. Coffee, tea, sponge cake and stories were exchanged as well as the botram zine, a publication that calls attention to words and flavors that migrate between porous languages and opaque bodies. Audio recordings of Nuraini Juliastuti, Pris Roos, Ratu R. Saraswati and Timorous A. Kusno were played during the picnic and through a qr code in the zine the postcards can again be accessed.We talked about longing and belonging, in-betweenness, hospitality (and the lack thereof), family, food, cooking and sharing meals.

botram – the picnic and the publication – is supported by @vfonds, @minvws, @mondriaanfonds and @bewaerschole_haamstede.
graphic design is by @petervandenhoogen_coup